
Personal computer backup
Personal computer backup

personal computer backup personal computer backup

Data on optical disc is read and written via a laser, so there is less wear & tear during read/write process. They are commonly used for system backup and restore as they are inexpensive and portable. Optical discs (CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray) are popular storage devices for home users. Thus, tape drives are mainly used for archival purposes to store data that is not changed or accessed frequently. As tapes are sequential access devices, finding and restoring individual files can be slow and troublesome. In addition, tape drives can be easily removed and stored offsite, so the data stored on it is protected from any hardware failures, corruption, theft, or natural disasters.Īlthough tape backups are viable, they are slow and expensive.

personal computer backup

Because of this, many enterprises (or large businesses) use tape drives as their main backup system. The main advantage of using tape drives is they are reliable storage devices as data stored on the tape drives can be read securely even after decades of storage. This article mainly focusses on different data storage devices and important points to consider when using them. Selecting the right backup storage device is therefore a vital aspect of any backup job. There are many data storage devices in the market such as tape drives, optical drives, SD cards, hard disk drives and cloud storage services. When you decide to back up your data, the first thing to choose is the storage device or backup media to use for your backups. Ltd.ĭata Backup is essential for every organization to perform their core business functions and to keep the business running in the event of a hardware failure or natural disasters. Data Backup Devices Author: Swapna Naraharisetty, 2BrightSparks Pte.

Personal computer backup